Geothermal Energy Specialists

Shallow Geothermal Systems
GeoServ specialises in providing a turnkey solutions for all aspects of shallow geothermal collectors.
We provide our clients with a total solutions on the ground side of your geothermal collector including full design, drilling, installation, commissioning and maintenance.
Our turnkey service is available for both residential and commercial systems. GeoServ can provide a complete solution for businesses and home owners requiring anything from initial feasibility to fully completed collector installation.
We have provide advice for heating and cooling solutions for:
– domestic home heating systems,
– small and large commercial buildings and
– industrial and agri-food sector processes.
Our exclusive turnkey service allows our clients to benefit from over 30 years of combined experience specialising in providing high quality tailored services.
All our systems are provided with 14 years collateral warranty.
Deep Geothermal Services
GeoServ provides tailored specialist services for all stages of project development from project inception through to exploration and detailed reservoir selection, design and project completion services. Our services include:
Feasibility & Assessment Studies;
Project Management – Exploration & Operations;
Regulation and Permitting Advice;
Geoscientific Review and Reservoir Assessment;
Due Diligence
We are Stockists and Distributors of :
Euroquartz B.V
– Thermally Enhanced Grouts
– Water Well Screen Gravels
– Drilling Machines & Equipment

Thermal Response Testing
A Thermal Response Test (TRT) involves applying or extracting a finite amount of energy to a closed loop collector for a set period of time (up to several days), while monitoring the rate at which heat dissipation or extraction into the surrounding ground. Analysis of the test data allows accurate values of site specific ground thermal properties to be determined.
Why TRT is important for geothermal collector design?
The objective of TRTs is to determine site specific thermal properties of the ground around a closed loop collector. Results of the tests allow the most cost effective collector design to be developed or the assessment of the performance of an existing collector
At the construction stage the capital expenditure to complete the collector can be optimised as well as ensuring the long term and sustainable performance of the system. A TRT will maximise design performance and reduce the overall operation costs of the system whilst meeting the required energy demands.
At what point in the project is the TRT test carried out?
A TRT test is typically carried out in the early phases of design or installation of a ground source heat pump project once a test borehole with a closed loop collector pipe is installed.
Thermal Properties Testing
Divided Bar Method:
The Divided Bar method for testing thermal conductivity properties is the most practical method for testing rock core samples in the laboratory. This steady state test is based on comparing the temperature drop across a rock sample compared with the temperature difference measured across a standard material.
Needle Probe Method
This method provides a procedure for determining the thermal conductivity of soil and soft rock using a transient heat method. This test method is applicable for both undisturbed and remolded soil specimens and soft rock specimens. This test method is suitable only for isotropic materials. The testing is carried out in accordance with ASTM D5334.